Museum of Measurement and Time


Monday - Friday 7:30a.m. - 5:00p.m.
Saturday 8:00a.m. - 12:00p.m.

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About Us

A visit will bring back memories of things long forgotten. We feature the private collections of Johnny and Edith Ingram. Residents of Jefferson since 1980, the Ingram's have been s active in the business community of Jefferson for many years. They have assembled their collections to share with visitors to our town. The museum includes approximately 1700 sets of Salt & Pepper Shakers, over 500 American made Clocks from 1700 to early 1900 and an extensive collection of Maps and Surveying items used in the survey of Texas Public Lands. Admission is by donation, conversation is free, so drop by for a visit. OH! By the way we have a room of early Music Instruments, Computers and Telephones. We may even throw in a story or two.

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